
This portfolio seeks to document my contributions to our team’s project, TA-Tracker. Ta-Tracker is a productivity tool designed for NUS School of Computing Teaching Assistants (TAs). TAs can track and manage all their claimable hours and the students they are teaching in one place.

About this portfolio

This project portfolio details my individual contributions to the TA-Tracker project. It includes a summary of the enhancements and other contributions I made throughout the duration of the project. Additionally, portions of my contribution to the User Guide and Developer Guide have also been included.

Summary of contributions

The contributions I have made towards the team project are detailed in this section.

Major Enhancement: I added the ability to filter under each view.

  • What it does: The filter command allows the user to search for relevant information under the different views.

    • Under the Student View, there is FilterStudentCommand to filter the students.

    • Under the Session View, there is FilterSessionCommand to filter the sessions.

    • Under the Claims View, there is FilterClaimCommand to filter the claims.

  • Justification: This is a necessary feature for a system that manages a lot of data. Sometimes, users only need to view specific information. That is when the filter command is handy.

  • Highlights: This enhancement affects existing commands and has to support future commands. Since the filtering works differently under the different views, the implementation of each filter command is different. The implementation was challenging as it required a lot of changes to the existing find command in AB3. Furthermore, there was a need to ensure that certain restrictions are met before doing the filtering to ensure that our codebase is consistent.

Major Enhancement: Recurring Sessions.

  • What it does: Recurring sessions allows TAs to mark a session as recurring so they don’t have to enter it again and again. When the TA marks a recurring session as done, a new session with the updated date will be added to the list of sessions.

  • Justification: Certain tasks that TAs have are weekly, such as weekly tutorials. This feature makes TA-Tracker more user-friendly as the user does not have to key in the same details for a session every week manually.

  • Highlights: This feature was difficult to implement as there were several considerations to be taken care of. Furthermore, it had been implemented in a different way. We initially assumed that recurring lessons would be on a weekly basis. However, we realised that we should not make that assumption. Significant changes were made in order to allow TAs to indicate the number of recurring weeks that they want.

  • Justifications: AddSessionCommand, DeleteSessionCommand and list commands are essential for TAs to manipulate data in Session View.

  • Highlights: While they are minor enhancements, implementation of these commands have to be thorough. This is because there are many small details to take note of. One example is the sorting of sessions when TA adds a new session. Sessions shown to TA have to be sorted based on date, start time and end time of sessions.

Code Contributed

The code I contributed can be found here.

Other Contributions:

  • Enhancements to existing features:

    • I wrote additional tests for existing features to increase coverage from 58% to 61% (Pull request: #343)

    • I fixed bugs reported by test users of the application. (Pull requests: #339, #325, #328)

Contributions to the User Guide

We wrote a User Guide targeted at the users of TA-Tracker. The User Guide contains instructions on how to use the various commands of the application. The following is an excerpt from our User Guide, showing additions that I have made for filter and Session features.

Session View

(Contributed by Chua Yi Jing)

Under the session tab, the Session View contains a list of the upcoming sessions that you haven’t done yet.

The sessions are automatically sorted by date.

The purpose of the Session View is to help you keep track a of your upcoming teaching. duties. It will show you information such as:

  • SESSION_TYPE: the type of session

  • DATE: the date that the session will occur on

  • START and END: the start time and end time of the session

  • MODULE: the module that the session is under

  • NOTES: any additional information

  • WEEK: the recurring period of the session


This is an example of what the Session View looks like.

Adding a Session : session add

(Contributed by Chua Yi Jing)

You can use this command to add a new session.

The new session will be shown in the Session View, and will automatically be marked as not done.

If you were on a different tab, you will automatically be switched to the session tab.

Format: session add m/MOD_CODE [s/START] [e/END] [d/DATE] [w/WEEKS] [t/SESSION_TYPE] [n/NOTES]

  1. If you want to create a session with the current date, start time and end time, you can omit s/START , e/END and d/DATE.

  2. You can edit the end time e/END and other details later by using the session edit command (details given below in 5.3.3.).

  3. If the session has a recurring period [w/WEEKS], a new session with the updated date and timing will be added to Session View when it is marked as done.

  4. You will find the recurring period [w/WEEKS] field handy for tasks that happen once every few weeks such as your weekly lab sessions or fortnightly assignment grading.

  5. You can add sessions with time clashes so that you can quickly plan a session and correct the details later.


  • session add m/CS3243 s/14:00 e/16:00 d/2020-06-20 w/2 t/consultation n/with Alice and Bob


    Adds a new session with:

    • START_TIME at 14:00 in 24hr format

    • END_TIME at 16:00 in 24hr format

    • DATE on 2020-06-20 in yyyy-MM-dd format

    • WEEK recurring period of 2 weeks: Once this session has been marked as done, a new session will be created with DATE d/2020-07-04 (2 weeks later from the date of the original session)

    • MOD_CODE of CS3243

    • TYPE consultation

    • NOTE "with Alice and Bob"

Deleting a Session : session delete

(Contributed by Chua Yi Jing)

You can use this command to delete a session at a specific index.

If you were on a different tab, you will automatically be switched to the session tab.

Format: session delete INDEX

Do not confuse the session delete and session done commands.


  • session delete 1

    This command deletes the first session in the Session View.

Marking a Session as Done : session done

(Contributed by Fatin and Chua Yi Jing)

You can use this command to mark a session as done.

The session marked as done will be removed from the Session View and will automatically appear as a new claim in the Claims View. If the session marked done has a recurring period, a new session with the updated date and timing will be added to Session View.

If you were on a different tab, you will automatically be switched to the claims tab.

Format: session done INDEX

Marks the session with the given unique index as done.


  • session done 2
    This will mark the 2nd session in the Session View as done.

Filter : session filter

(Contributed by Chua Yi Jing)

You can use this command to filter the sessions in the Session View.

You can filter the sessions in the following ways:

  • MOD_CODE - filtering by module code will show you only the sessions affiliated with that module.

  • SESSION_TYPE - filtering by session type will show you only the sessions with the specified type.

  • DATE - filtering by a date will show you only the sessions on that date.

When you use multiple filters, the filters will have an or relationship. For example, for the command session filter m/CS3243 t/grading you will be shown sessions that either belong to the module CS3243 or are of type grading.

When you execute a new filter command, any previous filters applied on the sessions will be removed and only the filters from the latest command will be applied on the sessions list. The filters that are currently being applied are shown at the top of the Session View

If you were on a different tab, you will automatically be switched to the session tab.

Format: session filter [m/MOD_CODE] [t/SESSION_TYPE] [d/DATE]


  • session filter m/CS3243


    All sessions in the Session View with module code CS3243 are displayed.

  • session filter m/CS3243 t/grading


    All sessions in the Session View with module code CS3243, or session type Grading will be shown.

As long as a session contains any one of the keywords given by the user, the session will be shown to the user.

Filter : claims filter

(Contributed by Chua Yi Jing)

You can use this command to filter sessions in the Claims View by the module code.

You will see the module with the specified MOD_CODE highlighted in orange in the list.

All completed sessions with matching MOD_CODE are displayed. Keyword is case-insensitive.

Format: claims filter m/MOD_CODE


  • claims filter m/CS3243


    All sessions in the Claims View with module code CS3243 are displayed.

Contributions to the Developer Guide

In addition to a User Guide, we wrote a Developer Guide targeted at developers who are interested in contributing to the project. The Developer Guide showcases my ability to write technical documentation and the technical depth of my contributions to the project. Given below is my contribution to the Developer Guide:

Session View

(Contributed by Chua Yi Jing)

Session View is the term used to refer to the view that contains a list of all sessions that haven’t been completed yet.

Model Framework

(Contributed by Haoyi)

The following Class Diagram shows how different classes are related in the functioning of the Session View.

Figure 1. Class Diagram of Session View

The TA-Tracker model class contains a UniqueSessionList which helps keep track of all the sessions in TA-Tracker that have not been marked as done.

Implementation of the Session Done Command

(Contributed by Chua Yi Jing)

The following Sequence Diagram shows the sequence of commands that take place between the Logic and Model components of the TA-Tracker when the user enters the command session done 1.

Figure 2. Sequence Diagram for Done Session
  • The lifeline for SessionCommandParser and DoneSessionCommandParser should end at the destroy marker (X), but due to a limitation of PlantUML, the lifeline reaches the end of diagram.

  1. The LogicManager uses the TaTrackerParser to first parse the user command.

  2. The TaTrackerParser sees that the command is a Session command and passes the command to the SessionCommandParser.

  3. The SessionCommandParser sees that the command is a DoneSessionCommand and passes the arguments to the DoneSessionCommandParser.

  4. The DoneSessionCommandParser creates a DoneSessionCommand with the given index.

  5. LogicManager calls DoneSessionCommand#execute() method.

  6. The DoneSessionCommand checks whether the current session called by the user has a recurring period.

    1. If it does, a new session with the updated date will be added to Model#UniqueSessionList().

    2. If it does not have a recurring period, it will move on to Step 6.

  7. The current session is marked as done and will be removed from Model#UniqueSessionList.

  8. The updated session list will be displayed to the user.

(Contributed by Fatin)

The following Activity Diagram describes how TaTracker is updated when a SessionDone command is entered.

Implementation of Session Add, Edit and Delete

(Contributed by Chua Yi Jing)

The session edit and session delete commands have been implemented in a similar manner to DoneSessionCommand.

The session add command has been implemented in a similar way. The main difference is that the SessionAddCommand checks whether an object with the given module code exists in the TA-Tracker.

  • If no such module code exists, the session is created successfully.

  • If it doesn’t exist, an exception is thrown saying that the given module code doesn’t exist.

Filter Command

(Contributed by Chua Yi Jing)


Different view has its own designated filter command.

  • Student View, has the student filter

  • Session View, has the session filter

  • Claims View, has the claims filter


This section describes the implementation of the filter command.

The Activity Diagram below summarises what happens when the user executes a filter command:

Figure 3. Activity Diagram of the Filter Command

The filter feature consists of three main steps:

  1. Validating and parsing user input

  2. Creating a filtering predicate from user’s input

  3. Updating the filtered list with the filtering predicate

Filter under Student View

Students are filtered based on the module code and/or group code given by the user.

Module code is a compulsory parameter for the user.

The following Sequence Diagram shows the sequence of commands that take place between the Logic and Model components of the Ta-Tracker when the user enters the command student filter m\CS2103T g\G06. This command will return students from module code CS2103T, under group G06.

Figure 4. Sequence Diagram for Filter Student Command
  • The lifeline for StudentCommandParser and FilterStudentCommandParser should end at the destroy marker (X), but due to a limitation of PlantUML, the lifeline reaches the end of diagram.

Given below is an example scenario where the user enters a command to filter students.

  1. The user command is passed through the LogicManager to TaTrackerParser. TaTrackerParser checks the input arguments and identify the String keywords.

  2. The TaTrackerParser sees that the command is a type of Student and passes the command to the StudentCommandParser.

  3. The StudentCommandParser sees that the command is a type of filter and passes the arguments to the FilterStudentCommandParser.

  4. The FilterStudentCommandParser creates a FilterStudentCommand object with the relevant keywords.

  5. LogicManager calls FilterStudentCommand#execute().

  6. The FilterStudentCommand object checks whether any of the keywords given by the user matches the existing module and/or group.

    1. If it doesn’t, a CommandException is thrown saying that no such students exists.

    2. If it does, the FilterStudentCommand returns a CommandResult with a success message.

Filter under Session View

Sessions can be filtered with the following parameters:

  • d/DATE



These parameters can be used alone or together.

The command used to filter sessions has been implemented in a similar way. The main difference is that the FilterSessionCommandParser creates a SessionPredicate object. The SessionPredicate object updates the filtered session list by keywords in Model. The filtered list will then be displayed.

When the user specifies a keyword, sessions that contain the keywords will be filtered and shown to the user. If none of the keywords supplied by the user appears in any sessions, a CommandException will be shown.

The following Class Diagram shows how different classes are related in the functioning of the SessionFilter Command.

Figure 5. Class Diagram for Filter Session Command
Filter under Claims View

The user can only filter the Claims View by module code. When the user enters the command claims filter m/MODULE_CODE, claims that contain the module code will be filtered.

The command used to filter claims is implemented the same way as SessionFilterCommand.