TA-Tracker is a productivity tool made for NUS School of Computing (SoC) Teaching Assistants (TAs) who want to be able to track and manage their students and claimable hours in one place.
Teaching Assistants at SoC have to keep a track of:
claimable hours so that they can fill up the TSS Claims form at the end of each semester.
teaching-related sessions with claimable hours
students and their contact information
students' participation marks
notes for certain students (such as recommendations)
Rather than managing this through several excel spreadsheets and notes, TA-Tracker allows TAs to track everything in a single, convenient-to-use platform.
In particular, TA-Tracker is a Command Line Interface (CLI) application packaged with a Graphical User Interface (GUI). This means that users are expected to interact with the TA-Tracker mainly through the command line, and each command executed will evoke a visual response in the TA-Tracker.
Some parts of this sample application were inspired by the excellent Java FX tutorial by Marco Jakob.
TA-Tracker is a brownfield project based on the AddressBook-Level3 project created by SE-EDU initiative.