
TA-Tracker is a productivity tool made for NUS School of Computing Teaching Assistants (TAs). Rather than using several excel spreadsheets or notes, TA-Tracker enables TAs to manage their students and track teaching duties in a single, convenient-to-use platform . The application is mainly written in Java and spans a considerable 20k Lines of Code. With a rigorous system of checks and tests put in place, users can be assured that the codebase is well-maintained, and that the code quality is consistently high. A comprehensive set of guides are also provided to ensure a smooth on-boarding process for both users and contributors alike.

Summary of contributions

As the main developer of the application’s User Interface (UI), I play a crucial role in integrating the features my teammates create with the UI. During group discussions, I placed extra emphasis on guiding my teammates to engineer solutions that could be more easily assimilated into the UI, to ensure that their work becomes user-visible. As a result, my team was able to morph the given codebase from a trivial application into a polished product.

With the substantial amount of experience I gained while designing the application, I was available and prepared to help out with various tasks, like design considerations and debugging. As the most experienced UI developer in the team, I was highly involved in helping my teammates become more familiar with JavaFX and CSS. My role in the development of the project was especially crucial, as I enabled my teammates to be able to display all the hard work that they have put into the development of their respective features to the users. My major contributions are as follows:

Updated the User Interface

The UI is at the heart of TA-Tracker, displaying the output of TA-Tracker to the user visually. As the main contributor to the MainWindow of the UI, I play an integral role in ensuring that the content is being displayed to the user correctly, while keeping the interface simple and informative. I changed the overall layout of TA-Tracker by adding tabs and icons (#120 , #182 , #227 ), and by creating all the ListPanels and their respective ListCards (#120 , #182 , #204 ).

I also took care to ensure that the information displayed was integrated with the BackEnd whenever my teammates made new contributions to the application, such as adding new fields (#322 ) or commands (#330 ). A Total Earnings label in the Claims Tab was also added to improve user experience, as money makes the world go round (#243 , #322 ).

Enabled highlighting of applied filters

As TA-Tracker was initially based on AB3, the UI at the beginning of the project looked plain and dull. Instead of indiscriminately adding colours to TA-Tracker, I favoured a different approach, and enabled the relevant ListCells in the Student Tab and Claims Tab to be highlighted whenever filter commands were entered (#210 , #227 , #235 , #238 ). This not only made a huge improvement in the visual differences between TA-Tracker and AB3, but also enabled users to better focus on the information displayed.

This contribution also required extensive debugging and improvements to the inner workings of the FilterCommand, which was a rather challenging command to implement (#243 , #314 , #322 ). In the Session Tab, highlighting the ListCells was a less favourable option, since there was only one ListPanel to display. I overcame this challenge by creating a filter header (#322 ).

Implemented relevant commands to improve User Experience

Goto Command : To achieve the goal of making TA-Tracker a keyboard-only application, I implemented the GoToCommand to allow users to switch between tabs via the command-line rather than clicking on the tab-headers (#189 ).

In a similar spirit, I enabled switching to relevant tabs for all commands, to better the user experience. This allows new information to be displayed instantaneously upon entering a command (#189 , #210 , #212 ). This involved creating an enum for UI handling in CommandResult (#189 , #212 ) and as a result, the painstaking process of updating the entire code-base.

SetRate Command : The hourly pay rate for all the displayed Earnings was initially set to $40, which is the rate at which the majority of TAs are being paid. Based on feedback from the PE Dry-Run, I created a command to change this value due to the possibility of changes being made to the hourly pay rate. (#321 )

Other UI Improvements

I also contributed to the development of HelpWindow and StatisticsWindow (#227 , #235 ) by fixing sizing issues and adding ScrollPanes. Moreover, I included the option to close both windows by pressing the ESC key to achieve the goal of making TA-Tracker a keyboard-only application (#236 ).

Added extensive automated tests

I made thorough JUnit tests for the StudentCommand, StudentCommandParser, and Student as well as its relevant fields. (#340 , #341 , #347 )

Improved overall code quality

  • Packaged all Commands, Parsers, Models and UI components (#143 , #212 )

  • General quality fixes to the entire code-base based on Codacy reports (#350 , #351 )

  • Created enum classes for SessionType and GroupType (#120 , #182 )

Other contributions

  • Created a skeleton for the DeleteStudentCommand (#113 )

  • Removed the requirement for compulsory Phone and Email fields in AddStudentCommand (#146 )

  • Managed the project by commenting on critical pull requests (various)

  • Handled release of Ver 1.2

Here is the code that I have written for this product: [All commits] [RepoSense]

Contributions to the User Guide

Given below are sections I contributed to the User Guide. They showcase my ability to write documentation targeting end-users.

Command Format

(Contributed by Fatin and Gabriel)

This section shows you how all the commands in this guide have been formatted.

Format Meaning Example


Any lower case letters, followed by a forward slash

These are prefixes.

They are used to separate the different parameters of a command.

These are prefixes:
n/, d/, t/

Note that prefixes cannot have spaces:
n / is not a prefix, and will not be recognized.


Words in upper case

These are parameters.

You will need to supply parameters in order to complete certain commands.

You can create a student with the name John Doe using the student add command.

Suppose the student add command looks like this:
student add n/NAME

Simply replace NAME with John Doe to create the student John Doe:
student add n/John Doe


Words in upper case, surrounded by square brackets

These are optional parameters.

Certain commands can be used without these parameters.

Suppose a command contains two parameters next to each other:
n/NAME [t/TAG]

The first parameter NAME is compulsory.
The second parameter TAG is optional.

Since a TAG is optional, you will be able to use the command with these inputs:

  • n/John Doe t/Fast learner, or

  • n/John Doe



An ellipsis …​ following any words in upper case

These are parameters that can be used multiple times or none at all.

The following parameter can be used multiple times:

This means that it can be:

  • Left empty (i.e. 0 times):

  • Used one time (i.e. 1 time):

  • Used multiple times (i.e. 2 or more times):
    t/friend t/family


(Contributed by Fatin)

This section gives you a brief overview of the layout of the TA-Tracker.

TA-Tracker is divided into three tabs representing the different Views:

  • The Student View under the student tab,

  • The Session View under the session tab, and

  • The Claims View under the claims tab

When you switch to a tab, that tab will be highlighted in orange.

Furthermore, when you enter a new command, you will be automatically switched to the relevant tab so that you can instantly see the result of the command.

  • You can select a tab to show a different View. This tab will be highlighted in blue.

  • If you are switched to a tab when you enter a command, that tab will be highlighted in orange.

    This should help you easily remember where you last made a change in TA-Tracker.

  • You will sometimes see the tabs highlighted in both orange and blue.

    The orange tab will remain highlighted even if you select another tab.

  • You may notice that the orange and blue highlights for the tabs are not the same size.

    This is to prevent the highlights from overlapping each other, allowing you to see them better.


This shows what happens when you last made a change in the student tab and then clicked on the claims tab.

Claims View

(Contributed by Fatin)

Under the claims tab, the Claims View contains a list of all the claimable teaching duties you have completed so far.

The purpose of this view is to allow you to keep track of all your claims so you can easily enter it into the TSS claims form at the end of the semester.

The Claims View has been divided into two columns.

  1. The first column shows you a list of all the modules that you are a teaching assistant for.

  2. The second column shows you a list of all the sessions that you have marked as done.


This is an example of what the Claims View looks like.

Viewing help : help

(Contributed by Fatin)

You can open the help window with this command. You can close the help window by pressing the ESC key on your keyboard.

Format: help


This is what the help window looks like.

Switching tabs : goto

(Contributed by Fatin)

You can switch to different tabs with this command to show their associated view.

Format: goto TAB_NAME

  • You cannot switch to a tab that does not exist in TA-Tracker


goto student


This command takes you to the student tab.

Changing the hourly rate : setrate

(Contributed by Fatin)

Sets the hourly rate for the total income and claim computation.

Format: setrate RATE

  • If you don’t specify a rate, it is set at $40 by default (the rate at which most SOC TAs are being paid per hour).

  • RATE is the amount you want to change the hourly rate to, this value will be used to calculate the Total Earnings label in the Claims Tab as well as the Statistics Window.

  • The RATE must be a positive integer.


  • setrate 25


    Sets the current hourly rate to $25.

Contributions to the Developer Guide

Given below are sections I contributed to the Developer Guide. They showcase my ability to write technical documentation and the technical depth of my contributions to the project.

UI component

(Contributed by Fatin)

The Class Diagram below shows how the UI components interact with each other.

Figure 1. Structure of the UI Component


The UI consists of a MainWindow that is made up of parts e.g. CommandBox, ResultDisplay, StudentTab, StatusBarFooter etc. The UI also contains 2 more windows, namely:

  1. the HelpWindow and

  2. the StatisticsWindow

The UI component uses JavaFx UI framework. The layout of these UI parts is defined in matching .fxml files that are in the src/main/resources/view folder. For example, the layout of the MainWindow is specified in MainWindow.fxml

The UI component,

  • Executes user commands using the Logic component.

  • Listens for changes to Model data so that the UI can be updated with the modified data.


The Class Diagram below shows how the components in the Student Tab interact with each other.

Figure 2. Structure of the Student Tab Component

All the ListPanels and Cards inherit from the abstract UiPart class.

The UI contains 3 tabs:

  1. The Student Tab

  2. The Session Tab

  3. The Claims Tab

Each of these tabs consist of one or more List Panels (e.g. StudentListPanel) and its respective Card (e.g. StudentCard). In each List Panel, the Graphics component of each of the List Cells is defined by the respective Card.

The other 2 Tabs follow the same structure as the Class Diagram above.

Model component

(Contributed by Fatin)

The following Class Diagram shows how the different Model components interact with each other.

Figure 3. Structure of the Model Component


The Model,

  • Stores a UserPref object that represents the user’s preferences

  • Stores the TA-Tracker data

  • Exposes 5 unmodifiable ObservableList<> objects:

    1. filteredStudentList, which contains all the Students in the TA-Tracker

    2. filteredSessionList, which contains all the Sessions in the TA-Tracker that have not been marked as done

    3. filteredDoneSessionList, which contains all the Sessions in the TA-Tracker that have been marked as done

    4. filteredModuleList, which contains all the Modules in the TA-Tracker

    5. filteredGroupList, which contains all the Groups in the TA-Tracker

  • These lists can be 'observed' e.g. the UI can be bound to this list so that the UI automatically updates when the data in the list change

  • Does not depend on any of the other three components

The following Class Diagram shows the relationship between the different classes in the Model component.

Figure 4. Model Components - Class Diagram

Example of Model Usage

The following Object Diagram shows an example of the relationship between the different Model objects. This example is based on the state of TA-Tracker when it is first run (without any user data).

Figure 5. Model Components - Object Diagram

Goto Command

(Contributed by Fatin)


The goto command has been implemented to allow users to programmatically switch through the tabs using the command line, rather than clicking on the tab headers.

The command can be utilised by entering goto TAB_NAME. TAB_NAME is a compulsory parameter for the user.


This section describes the implementation of the goto command.

The following Sequence Diagram shows the interactions between the Logic and UI components of the TA-Tracker when the user enters the command goto claims.

Figure 6. Sequence Diagram for Goto Claims Command

Given below is an example scenario where the user enters a command to switch to the Claims Tab.

  1. The user command is passed through the LogicManager to TaTrackerParser. TaTrackerParser checks the input arguments and identify the String keywords.

  2. The TaTrackerParser sees that the command is a GotoCommand and passes the command to the GotoCommandParser.

  3. The GotoCommandParser creates a GotoCommand object with the relevant keywords.

  4. LogicManager calls GotoCommand#execute().

  5. The GotoCommand object checks whether any of the keywords given by the user matches the existing tab headers.

    1. If it does, the GotoCommand returns a CommandResult with a success message and an enum specifying how MainWindow should handle the next action.

    2. If it doesn’t, an exception is thrown.

  6. MainWindow calls the handleGoto() method to select the ClaimsTab in the TabPane, completing the tab-switching process.

The following Class Diagram shows how different classes are related in the functioning of a Student Object.

Figure 7. Structure of the Student Component


The other models (Module, Group and Session) have been implemented in a similar manner. The main difference is that the other models do not have any Tags.

As a more OOP model, we can store a Tag list in TaTracker, which Student can reference. This would allow TaTracker to only require one Tag object per unique Tag, instead of each Student needing their own Tag object. An example of what such a model may look like is given below.

Figure 8. Session Done Activity Diagram

The above diagram assumes that a valid index has been input into the TA-Tracker during the done session command.

Claims View

(Contributed by Fatin)

Claims View refers to the view that contains a list of all the sessions that have been done.

Model Framework

The following Class Diagram shows how different classes are related in the functioning of the Claims View.

Figure 9. Claims View - Class Diagram

The TaTracker model class contains a UniqueDoneSessionList which keeps track of all the sessions that have been marked as done. Each of the sessions must belong to a Module in the UniqueModuleList.

Set Rate Command

Given below is an example scenario where the user enters the command setrate 50.

  1. The user command is passed through the LogicManager to TaTrackerParser.

  2. TaTrackerParser checks the input arguments and identify the String keywords.

  3. The TaTrackerParser sees that the command is a type of SetRate and passes the command to the SetRateCommandParser.

  4. The SetRateCommandParser object checks that the given RATE input by the user is a valid integer. If it is, the SetRateCommandParser creates a SetRateCommand object with the relevant integer.

  5. LogicManager calls SetRateCommand 's execute method.

  6. MainWindow updates the TotalEarnings label in the ClaimsTab and the StatisticsWindow