
TA-Tracker is a productivity tool made for NUS Computing Teaching Assistants (TAs) who want to be able to track and manage all of their claimable hours and the students they are teaching in one place.

Summary of contributions

  • Major Enhancement: Syntax Highlighting

    This feature highlights the user input whenever it changes in the CommandBox. In addition, usage hints will appear in the ResultDisplay as the user is typing out a command

    • Justification: Since our target users are fast typers, this feature helps them to quickly identify and correct their input as they are typing. Furthermore, they will not need to remember how to use the commands, especially those with many parameters.

    • Highlights: Implementing this feature was very time-consuming. It required the creation of many utility classes and a decent understanding of regex patterns.

  • Major Enhancement: The Student Commands

    I created the following three commands: AddStudentCommand, DeleteStudentCommand, and EditStudentCommand

    • Justification: Since our target users are Teaching Assistants (TAs), these commands allow them to store and update the details of the students that they are teaching.

    • Highlights: These commands were challenging to implement because Student objects are stored inside Group objects, which are in turn stored inside Module objects. There were a lot of changes made to our Model in order to implement these commands.

  • Minor Enhancement: Student Ratings

    I created the Rating model to represent a student’s rating from scratch.

    • Justification: Since our target users are Teaching Assistants (TAs), they may need to rate students as part of their teaching duties.

Code contributed

The sections of code that I contributed can be found [here].

Other Contributions

Project management
  • Managed release v1.3 (1 release), and coordinated all other releases on GitHub

  • Managed the issue tracker and milestones v1.1 - v1.4 (4 milestones) on GitHub, ensuring that high priority tasks are completed on time

  • Created the Project Kanban Boards on GitHub to manage user stories, issues, and pull requests

  • Performed large-scale refactoring in order to integrate the features of all team members
    (eg. PR #178, PR #179, PR #180, PR #183)

  • Coordinated face-to-face meetings with team members to keep track of the team’s progress

Enhancements to Existing Features
  • Updated the Storage component to save TA-Tracker data in Json format (PR #194, PR #226)

  • Enabled arrow keys to navigate between lists in each of the Views (PR #229, PR #246)

  • Updated the existing HelpWindow to show a summary of all the available commands (PR #240)

  • Wrote additional test cases for the utility classes in the Logic component (eg. PR #352, PR #361)

  • Wrote additional test cases for the Storage component, achieving close to 100% coverage for the entire Storage package (PR #359)

  • Reported the bug about RepoSense not updating team member contributions, which affected a number of teams. (Forum #76)

  • Contributed to forum discussions. (Forum #112, Forum #113)

  • Enforced code quality in the pull requests of other team members
    (eg. PR #189, PR #195, PR #345)

  • Reviewed the pull requests of other team members in significant detail
    (eg. PR #220, PR #222)

  • Integrated and managed the following GitHub plugins:

    • Travis CI - to ensure our product builds on Unix platforms

    • AppVeyor - to ensure our product builds on Windows platforms (PR #56)

    • Coveralls - to track the coverage of our team’s repository

    • Netlify - to update the team’s website whenever a documentation is changed

  • Provided team members with technical support for git and IntelliJ IDE

Contributions to the User Guide

Given below are sections I contributed to the User Guide. They showcase my ability to write documentation targeting end-users.


Are you a Teaching Assistant at NUS School of Computing (NUS SOC) who is tired of having to fill out the Teaching Support Student (TSS) Claims Form in great detail at the end of the semester?

Do you wish there was a desktop application that can help you keep track of your teaching duties, such as your claimable hours and student ratings, all in one place?

Look no further, because TA-Tracker is just the tool for you!

No more saving your claimable hours in an unappealing spreadsheet.

No more keeping notes about your students in a cluttered diary.

TA-Tracker is a productivity tool that is made for all you NUS SOC Teaching Assistants (TAs) who need to easily fill out forms, such as the TSS Claims Form, at the end of the semester.

TA-Tracker has features that will help you easily track and manage your claimable hours and students in one place.

What’s more, TA-Tracker has:

  • A Command Line Interface (CLI) for all you TAs who can type fast and prefer to use a keyboard, and

  • A Graphical User Interface (GUI) so that you can easily view all your teaching duties.

If you are interested, jump to [Quick Start] and discover how easy it is to fill out the TSS form using the TA-Tracker.

Command Format

(Contributed by Fatin and Gabriel)

This section shows you how all the commands in this guide have been formatted.

Format Meaning Example


Any lower case letters, followed by a forward slash

These are prefixes.

They are used to separate the different parameters of a command.

These are prefixes:
n/, d/, t/

Note that prefixes cannot have spaces:
n / is not a prefix, and will not be recognized.


Words in upper case

These are parameters.

You will need to supply parameters in order to complete certain commands.

You can create a student with the name John Doe using the student add command.

Suppose the student add command looks like this:
student add n/NAME

Simply replace NAME with John Doe to create the student John Doe:
student add n/John Doe


Words in upper case, surrounded by square brackets

These are optional parameters.

Certain commands can be used without these parameters.

Suppose a command contains two parameters next to each other:
n/NAME [t/TAG]

The first parameter NAME is compulsory.
The second parameter TAG is optional.

Since a TAG is optional, you will be able to use the command with these inputs:

  • n/John Doe t/Fast learner, or

  • n/John Doe



An ellipsis …​ following any words in upper case

These are parameters that can be used multiple times or none at all.

The following parameter can be used multiple times:

This means that it can be:

  • Left empty (i.e. 0 times):

  • Used one time (i.e. 1 time):

  • Used multiple times (i.e. 2 or more times):
    t/friend t/family

Keyboard Shortcuts

You can navigate through everything in TA-Tracker with just a keyboard!

Here are some keyboard shortcuts that you can use:

Shortcut Key Usages


  • Toggle between the command box and the Views.

  • Close a popup window.

arrow keys

  • Scroll through a list
    (you must toggle out of the command box in order to use this shortcut)

arrow keys

  • Navigate between different lists in the same View.
    (you must toggle out of the command box in order to use this shortcut)

Syntax Highlighting

When you type a command into the command box, your input will be highlighted.

Here is a table explaining the meaning of each colour:

Colour Meaning Examples


A valid user input

  • The full name of a valid command
    eg. help, student add, module delete

  • A valid value for the command parameters
    eg. id/A1234567J, d/2020-03-20, n/This is a valid description


An invalid user input

  • An unknown command
    eg. unknown, student, student done

  • A invalid value for the command parameters
    eg. id/B1234X, d/4 March 2020, s/4pm


The default font colour


This is an example of a valid input.


This is an example on an invalid input.


When you type out a command, you will also see hints about how to use the command.

Here is a table describing the different types of hints that you will encounter:

Hint Trigger

Showing the command usage

  • When you first type out the command word.

  • After typing two whitespaces in a row.

Showing the parameter usage

  • When you first type out a valid prefix.

  • When there is an invalid prefix in your command.


This is an example of what a hint may look like. You may also note that the default text colour, white is being used here.

Contributions to the Developer Guide

Given below are sections I contributed to the Developer Guide. They showcase my ability to write technical documentation and the technical depth of my contributions to the project.

Logic Structure

The following Class Diagram shows a simplified view of the structure of the Logic component.

Figure 1. Structure of the Logic Component


In the Logic component,

  • Logic behaves as a façade class between the different TA-Tracker components

  • LogicManager is the main driver class behind the logic of TA-Tracker

  • LogicManager interacts with classes in the Model and Storage components

  • The logic of TA-Tracker is organised into commands and parsers

  • TaTrackerParser is the main parser

  • A Command can interact with classes in the Model component

Logic Organization

The following diagram shows how the commands and parsers are organized.

Figure 2. Logic Component - Organization of commands and parsers
  • The letter X represents the category name for a group of commands
    (e.g. Student, Session, Module)

  • The letters XY represent the names of actions specific to a command category
    (e.g. AddStudent, EditSession, DeleteModule)

  • CommandPackageX and ParserPackageX are placeholders for the actual package names

In the Logic package,

  • There is a hierarchy of parsers, starting from TaTrackerParser

  • Within the Parser package, all parsers have been grouped into smaller packages

  • Every Command is created by a Parser object with a matching name

  • Within the Commands package, all commands have been grouped into smaller packages

  • Every Command produces a CommandResult when executed by LogicManager. This will modify the Model internally (e.g. adding a student).

  • The produced CommandResult sends feedback to the UI component. This feedback includes:

    • Showing messages in the UI

    • Instructing the UI to perform certain actions (e.g. displaying the help window).

In most cases, there are two levels of parsing before a Command is created
(e.g. SessionCommandParser passes the remaining user input to the AddSessionCommandParser for further parsing).

However, there are some cases where only one level of parsing is needed
(e.g. for the HelpCommand, ListCommand, and ExitCommand).

Figure 3. Skipping the second layer of parsers

These command parsers will immediately create the respective Command, skipping the second layer of parsers.

Implementation of the Student Add, Delete and Edit Commands

(Contributed by Gabriel)

A student can be added to the TA-Tracker after a module and group is added.

The commands for students are similar to the commands for modules and groups. The main difference is that there are a few additional conditions in order to ensure that a student is inside the TA-Tracker.

The following Sequence Diagram shows the interactions that take place between the Logic and Model components of the TA-Tracker when the user enters the command student delete m/CS2103 g/G03 id/A0181234G.

Figure 4. Student Delete - Sequence Diagram
  • This diagram assumes that the following data are inside the TA-Tracker:

    • A student with the matric number A0181234G
      (shown as id in the diagram)

    • The same student inside the group G03
      (shown as g in the diagram)

    • The same group inside the module CS2103
      (shown as m in the diagram)

  • The lifeline for StudentCommandParser and DeleteStudentCommandParser should end at the destroy marker (X), but due to a limitation of PlantUML, the lifeline reaches the end of diagram.

  1. LogicManager uses the TaTrackerParser to first parse the user command.

  2. The TaTrackerParser sees that the command is a student command and passes the command to the StudentCommandParser.

  3. The StudentCommandParser sees that the command is a delete command and passes the arguments to the DeleteStudentCommandParser.

  4. The DeleteStudentCommandParser then creates a DeleteStudentCommand object with the matric number, module code and group code from the arguments. The parser then returns the DeleteStudentCommand.

  5. LogicManager calls DeleteStudentCommand#execute() to begin removing a student from the TA-Tracker.

  6. The DeleteStudentCommand checks the following three conditions:

    1. A module with the given module code is inside the TA-Tracker.

    2. A group with the given group code is inside the same module.

    3. A student with the given matric number is inside the same group.

  7. For each condition, there are two outcomes:

    1. If the condition is false, then a command exception is thrown saying that the object does not exist.

    2. If it is true, then the student with the given matric number is removed from the expected group inside the expected module.

  8. Finally, the DeleteStudentCommand returns a CommandResult.

    1. If the command successfully removed a student, the CommandResult will contain a success message.

    2. If not, the CommandResult will have a message explaining why the student could not be removed.

The student add and student edit command has been implemented in a similar manner. However, the student add command has a slight difference.

When the student add command is executed, there is an extra condition that must be true: there cannot be a student with the given matric number already inside the expected group inside the expected module.

Filter Command

(Contributed by Chua Yi Jing)


Different view has its own designated filter command.

  • Student View, has the student filter

  • Session View, has the session filter

  • Claims View, has the claims filter


This section describes the implementation of the filter command.

The Activity Diagram below summarises what happens when the user executes a filter command:

Figure 5. Activity Diagram of the Filter Command

The filter feature consists of three main steps:

  1. Validating and parsing user input

  2. Creating a filtering predicate from user’s input

  3. Updating the filtered list with the filtering predicate

Filter under Student View

Students are filtered based on the module code and/or group code given by the user.

Module code is a compulsory parameter for the user.

The following Sequence Diagram shows the sequence of commands that take place between the Logic and Model components of the Ta-Tracker when the user enters the command student filter m\CS2103T g\G06. This command will return students from module code CS2103T, under group G06.

Figure 6. Sequence Diagram for Filter Student Command
  • The lifeline for StudentCommandParser and FilterStudentCommandParser should end at the destroy marker (X), but due to a limitation of PlantUML, the lifeline reaches the end of diagram.

Given below is an example scenario where the user enters a command to filter students.

  1. The user command is passed through the LogicManager to TaTrackerParser. TaTrackerParser checks the input arguments and identify the String keywords.

  2. The TaTrackerParser sees that the command is a type of Student and passes the command to the StudentCommandParser.

  3. The StudentCommandParser sees that the command is a type of filter and passes the arguments to the FilterStudentCommandParser.

  4. The FilterStudentCommandParser creates a FilterStudentCommand object with the relevant keywords.

  5. LogicManager calls FilterStudentCommand#execute().

  6. The FilterStudentCommand object checks whether any of the keywords given by the user matches the existing module and/or group.

    1. If it doesn’t, a CommandException is thrown saying that no such students exists.

    2. If it does, the FilterStudentCommand returns a CommandResult with a success message.

Filter under Session View

Sessions can be filtered with the following parameters:

  • d/DATE



These parameters can be used alone or together.

The command used to filter sessions has been implemented in a similar way. The main difference is that the FilterSessionCommandParser creates a SessionPredicate object. The SessionPredicate object updates the filtered session list by keywords in Model. The filtered list will then be displayed.

When the user specifies a keyword, sessions that contain the keywords will be filtered and shown to the user. If none of the keywords supplied by the user appears in any sessions, a CommandException will be shown.

The following Class Diagram shows how different classes are related in the functioning of the SessionFilter Command.

Figure 7. Class Diagram for Filter Session Command
Filter under Claims View

The user can only filter the Claims View by module code. When the user enters the command claims filter m/MODULE_CODE, claims that contain the module code will be filtered.

The command used to filter claims is implemented the same way as SessionFilterCommand.

Syntax Highlighting

(Contributed by Gabriel)

When a user types a command, their inputs will be highlighted in different colours as a form of input validation.

In addition, different messages will be displayed based on the result of the syntax highlighting.

The following screenshot shows how the CommandBox and ResultDisplay appear in the TA-Tracker.

Figure 8. The CommandBox and the ResultDisplay in TA-Tracker

In the screenshot above:

  • There is a user input highlighted in green in the CommandBox

  • There is a message in white showing in the ResultDisplay

  • The command being entered is session edit

  • The user has entered three arguments: date, start time, and end time.


The following Class Diagram shows how the Logic and UI components interact with each other to produce the highlighting.

Figure 9. Syntax Highlighting - Class Diagram

The CommandBox:

  • Uses a CommandDictionary to search for valid commands

  • Stores a CommandDetail for processing the current command in the user input

  • Stores a PrefixDictionary containing the PrefixDetails for the current command.

  • Uses PrefixDetails to process each argument in the current command

  • Uses a CommandBoxUtil to validate user inputs

  • Returns feedback to the ResultDisplay

The ResultDisplay displays the given feedback as a message in the TA-Tracker.

Identifying the parts of a User Input

Here is an example of a user input in the CommandBox:

Figure 10. An example of a user input in the CommandBox

User inputs can be divided into the following parts:

Keyword Meaning Example

full command word

The part of the user input that identifies a command.

full command word
Figure 11. A full command word (coloured in blue in this screenshot)



The part of the user input that identifies a command parameter.

It contains a prefix and a value.

argument 1
argument 2
argument 3
Figure 12. The arguments in the user input (coloured in blue in these screenshots)



The part of an argument up to and including the / forward slash delimiter.

prefix 1
prefix 2
prefix 3
Figure 13. The prefixes of each argument in the user input (coloured in blue in these screenshots)



Everything after the prefix of an argument.

value 1
value 2
value 3
Figure 14. The values of each argument in the user input (coloured in blue in these screenshots)



The part of the user input (including whitespaces) between the end of the full command word, and the beginning of the first argument.

Figure 15. The preamble in the user input (coloured in blue in these screenshots)


Implementation of the Syntax Highlighting

The following diagrams show the steps that take place when applying syntax highlighting to the user’s input.

Due to the limitations of PlantUML, the following Activity Diagrams may not follow UML notation.

In particular, there are issues with representing alternate branches.

For example, alternate branches:

  • Split into multiple branch nodes, instead of all originating from the same node

  • Do not converge at a single merge node before the end node

There is a way for the diagrams to be arranged vertically. However, this dilates the diagrams, making them difficult to fit in this guide.

Step 1 - Highlighting a new input

Syntax highlighting is applied when the user changes their input in the CommandBox.

The following Activity Diagram shows how the full command word is highlighted, up until the beginning of the preamble.

Figure 16. Step 1 - Highlighting a new input
There should be a rake symbol next to the bolded activity - Highlight arguments.

Here is the purpose of each alternate path in the above diagram:

Path Action Example

[empty input]

When there is no input, no action occurs.

empty input
Figure 17. An empty CommandBox


[invalid command word]

When there is no matching full command word, the ResultDisplay will indicate that a wrong command is entered.

invalid command word
Figure 18. Invalid full command word


[no arguments]

When a full command word has just been entered, the ResultDisplay will show that a correct command has been entered.

no arguments
Figure 19. CommandBox has no arguments


[has arguments]

After processing the full command word, proceed to Step 2.

has arguments
Figure 20. CommandBox has arguments


Step 2 - Highlighting the preamble

If the new input has a full command word, the next step is to apply syntax highlighting on the preamble and arguments.

The following Activity Diagram shows how the preamble is highlighted, up until the beginning of the first argument.

Figure 21. Step 2 - Highlighting the preamble
There should be a rake symbol next to the bolded activities - Highlight invalid arguments.

Here is the purpose of each alternate path in the above diagram:

Path Action Example * whitespaces

[trailing whitespace]

When there are trailing whitespaces, the syntax highlighting is removed.

trailing whitespace
Figure 22. A trailing whitespace (coloured in blue in this screenshot)


[many whitespaces]

When there are two or more trailing whitespaces, the ResultDisplay will show how to use the command.

many whitespaces
Figure 23. Many trailing whitespaces (coloured in blue in this screenshot)


[invalid preamble]

When the input has a preamble that the command does not need, the ResultDisplay will indicate that a wrong command is entered.

invalid preamble
Figure 24. An invalid preamble


[blank preamble], and
[needs preamble]

After processing the preamble, proceed to Step 3.

blank preamble
Figure 25. A command that requires a blank preamble
needs preamble
Figure 26. A command that needs a valid preamble


Step 3 - Highlighting the remaining arguments

After the preamble has been verified, the syntax highlighting is applied on each argument in the remaining user input. An invalid or wrong argument will stop the highlighting.

The following Activity Diagram explains how each argument is highlighted, up until end of the user input.

Figure 27. Step 3 - Highlighting the remaining arguments

Here is the purpose of each alternate path in the above diagram:

Path Action Example


When the command does not recognise the given argument, the ResultDisplay will show how to use the command.

Figure 28. Wrong argument in input



When the argument cannot have the given value, the ResultDisplay will show how to use the argument.

Figure 29. Invalid argument in input



After processing the current argument, the ResultDisplay will still show how to use it in case the argument can have spaces.

Figure 30. Valid argument in input


Design Considerations

Showing the command usage after every two white spaces

When a user enters two white spaces, the usage for the current command wil reappear in the ResultDisplay. The purpose of this is to provide the user with a quick example of how to use the command, since a command may have a lot of parameters.

The following are reasons why the usage appears after every two spaces:

  • The user will have to enter whitespaces frequently. This should allow our target users (whom are fast typers) to quickly verify how to use the different commands.

  • A user input will usually have words separated with a single white space

  • It gives a use for user inputs to have arguments separated with more than one whitespace

Alternative Implementation

An alternative would be to assign a keyboard shortcut, such as the Tab key, to give the user the option to display the command usage only when they need it.

Currently, the ResultDisplay shows the command usage whenever the user inputs something new. This could be annoying for the user when they are familiar with the commands.

However, the user may have assigned actions to these keyboard shortcuts on their computer, Therefore, TA-Tracker would need to allow the user to assign their own keyboard settings.

As TA-Tracker is meant to be used primarily on the CLI, assigning keyboard shortcuts does not seem like a suitable feature for our target users. However, implementing this is an option in future versions of TA-Tracker.

Always showing the syntax highlighting

Similar to the previous design consideration, the syntax highlighting could instead be toggled on and off using a keyboard shortcut.

Alternative Implementation

Alternatively, there could be a command to toggle the syntax highlighting on and off.

Here is an example of how the command could be made:

  • syntax on - enables the syntax highlighting

  • syntax off - disables the syntax highlighting

  • syntax cmd - enables the syntax highlighting for full command words only

  • syntax args - enables the syntax highlighting for arguments only

Then, the CommandBox will have boolean flags to toggle the syntax highlighting before the each of the three steps explained in the Implementation of the Syntax Highlighting.